• Sending Udp Multicast Messages From Container To Host

    Sending Udp Multicast Messages From Container To Host

    I have a container based on a Ubuntu 16.04 image running on my Mac, and I would like to send UDP messages to UDP Multicast group at. Multicast message delivery provides the fastest means of delivering messages to a large set of receivers. Low Latency Messaging supports multicast message delivery over IP networks and InfiniBand networks as well as RDMA multicast messaging over InfiniBand and 10GigE networks. Low Latency Messaging implements the PGM protocol and provides UDP and raw IP datagram encapsulation of. Sep 22, 2017 - We'll occasionally send you account related emails. Is multicast definively not possible on physical host running simple containers (without any service discovery, other. Version: '2' services: hazel: container_name: hazel image: hazelcast/hazelcast ports: - '6801:6801' - '7/udp' volumes: -.

    Overview Docker image for Openhab (2.0.0). The image is constructed from daily snapshots of Openhab 2 builds, but can be changed to the last 'stable' build (currently 2.0.0-alpha2) by editing Dockerfile, changing OPENHABVERSION and then rebuilding the image. Included is JRE 1.8.45 instead of JDK 1.7.79 (in original tdeckers/openhab) Official DEMO Included If you do not have a openHAB configuration yet, you can start this Docker without one. The official openHAB DEMO will be started. PULL docker pull wetware/openhab2 Building docker build -t /openhab2. Auto-detect of devices with UPnP Openhab 2.0's new Paper UI includes feature to recognize devices on the same network using UPnP protocol.

    This in done by sending discovery UDP messages to Other UPnP devices (such as Philips Hue hub) will response message to this same address. Sending the UDP multicast message is done correctly from the container, but receiving them however requires support from Docker to enable MULTICASTING on container network interface, which is not yet implemented (7/2015).

    You can follow the discussion There are 2 work-arounds available:. Run container with -net=host option. This will use the network interface of the host instead of creating a separate one for the container. In practice it will map 1:1 all ports on the container to the host and enable the container to receive multicast UDP messages. Run container with -net=none option. This defers creating the network interface during the startup. Then on the host use to create the network interface on the container side with IFFMULTICAST set: pipework docker0 -i eth0 CONTAINERID IPADDRESS/IPMASK@DEFAULTROUTEIP Configuring This container expects you to map a configurations directory from the host to /etc/openhab.

    This allows you to inject your openhab configuration into the container (see example below). Configuration is done also via Paper UI (discover devices, configure OH2 specific plugins etc). If you want persistence in these changes, you can map the userdata directory (see example below.) OpenHAB 2.0 plugins Starting from 2.0.0 there is no general configuration file (as openhab.cfg in previous versions), but each add-on/plugin is configured separately on its services/.txt file. You can manually create them, or define 'EXAMPLECONF=1' when starting the container (see running example below). Example conf files from ALL the (OpenHAB 2.0) plugins will be then copied to services-directory.

    (No file will be over-written though, so you can edit them safely.) To use your own configuration and enable specific plugins, add a file with name addons.cfg in the configuration directory which lists all addons you want to add. Example content for addons.cfg: org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.hue org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.yahooweather org.openhab.action.mail org.openhab.action.xmpp org.openhab.binding.squeezebox org.openhab.binding.exec org.openhab.binding.http org.openhab.binding.knx org.openhab.persistence.rrd4j org.openhab.persistence.logging OpenHAB 1.x plugins Since not all 1.x plugins have yet been ported to 2.0 platform, you can enable them by adding a file addons-oh1.cfg to the configuration directory which lists all addons you want to add. For example, to add MQTT support using OpenHAB 1.x plugins: org.openhab.binding.mqtt org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt Configuring 1.x plugins is done by editing conf-directory/services/openhab.cfg, which uses old 1.x syntax.

    If openhab.cfg is not found, a default configuration is copied to services-directory when conteiner is started. Note that all other entries in the file are ignored by default, except by those plugins that are explicitly defined in addons-oh1.cfg. Timezone You can add a timezone file in the configurations directory, which will be placed in /etc/timezone. Default: UTC Example content for timezone: Europe/Brussels Running. The image exposes openHAB ports 8080, 8443, 5555 and 9001 (supervisord). The openHAB process is managed using supervisord.

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    You can manage the process (and view logs) by exposing port 9001. From there it is possible to switch between NORMAL and DEBUG versions of OpenHAB runtime. The container supports starting without network (-net="none'), and adding network interfaces using pipework.

    Programming with UDP sockets Introduction In, we covered an example of programming with connection-oriented sockets: sockets that use the TCP/IP protocol. Here, we'll briefly look at an example using connectionless sockets over UDP/IP. This tutorial provides an introduction to using UDP sockets over the IP network (IPv4). As with TCP sockets, this tutorial will focus on the basics. There are tutorials on the web that delve into far greater detail.

    On-line manual pages will provide you with the latest information on acceptable parameters and functions. The interface described here is the system call interface provided by the OS X, Linux, and Solaris operating systems and is generally similar amongst all Unix/POSIX systems (as well as many other operating systems). Programming with UDP/IP sockets There are a few steps involved in using sockets:. Create the socket.

    Identify the socket (name it). On the server, wait for a message. On the client, send a message. Send a response back to the client (optional). Close the socket Step 1. Create a socket A socket, s, is created with the socket system call.

    Int s = socket(domain, type, protocol) All the parameters as well as the return value are integers: domain, or address family — communication domain in which the socket should be created. Some of address families are AFINET (IP), AFINET6 (IPv6), AFUNIX (local channel, similar to pipes), AFISO (ISO protocols), and AFNS (Xerox Network Systems protocols). Type — type of service.

    This is selected according to the properties required by the application: SOCKSTREAM (virtual circuit service), SOCKDGRAM (datagram service), SOCKRAW (direct IP service). Check with your address family to see whether a particular service is available. Protocol — indicate a specific protocol to use in supporting the sockets operation. This is useful in cases where some families may have more than one protocol to support a given type of service. The return value is a file descriptor (a small integer).

    The analogy of creating a socket is that of requesting a telephone line from the phone company. For UDP/IP sockets, we want to specify the IP address family (AFINET) and datagram service (SOCKDGRAM). Since there's only one form of datagram service, there are no variations of the protocol, so the last argument, protocol, is zero. Our code for creating a UDP socket looks like this. #include int bind(int socket, const struct sockaddr.address, socklent addresslen); The first parameter, socket, is the socket that was created with the socket system call. For the second parameter, the structure sockaddr is a generic container that just allows the OS to be able to read the first couple of bytes that identify the address family. The address family determines what variant of the sockaddr struct to use that contains elements that make sense for that specific communication type.

    For IP networking, we use struct sockaddrin, which is defined in the header netinet/in.h. This structure defines. #include #include int sendto(int socket, const void.buffer, sizet length, int flags, const struct sockaddr.destaddr, socklent destlen) The first parameter, socket, is the socket that was created with the socket system call and named via bind. The second parameter, buffer, provides the starting address of the message we want to send. Length is the number of bytes that we want to send. The flags parameter is 0 and not useful for UDP sockets.

    The destaddr defines the destination address and port number for the message. It uses the same sockaddrin structure that we used in bind to identify our local address.

    As with bind, the final parameter is simply the length of the address structure: sizeof(struct sockaddrin). The server's address will contain the IP address of the server machine as well as the port number that corresponds to a socket listening on that port on that machine. The IP address is a four-byte (32 bit) value in network byte order (see htonl above). In most cases, you'll know the name of the machine but not its IP address. An easy way of getting the IP address is with the gethostbyname library (libc) function. Gethostbyname accepts a host name as a parameter and returns a hostent structure. #include int recvfrom(int socket, void.restrict buffer, sizet length, int flags, struct sockaddr.restrict srcaddr, socklent.restrict.srclen) The first parameter, socket is a socket that we created ahead of time (and used bind.

    The port number assigned to that socket via the bind call tells us on what port recvfrom will wait for data. The incoming data will be placed into the memory at buffer and no more than length bytes will be transferred (that's the size of your buffer). We will ignore flags here. You can look at the man page for recvfrom for details on this. This parameter allows us to process out-of-band data, peek at an incoming message without removing it from the queue, or block until the request is fully satisfied. We can safely ignore these and use 0. The srcaddr parameter is a pointer to a sockaddr structure that you allocate and will be filled in by recvfrom to identify the sender of the message.

    The length of this structure will be stored in srclen. If you do not care to identify the sender, you can set both of these to zero but you will then have no way to reply to the sender. The recvfrom call returns the number of bytes that were read into buffer Let's examine a simple server. We'll create a socket, bind it to all available IP addresses on the machine but to a specific port number.

    Then we will loop, receiving messages and printing their contents. © 2003-2018 Paul Krzyzanowski.

    All rights reserved. For questions or comments about this site, contact Paul Krzyzanowski, gro.kp@ofnibew The entire contents of this site are protected by copyright under national and international law.

    Sending Udp Multicast Messages From Container To Host Crossword

    No part of this site may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means whether electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. If there is something on this page that you want to use, please let me know. Any opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employers and may not even reflect my own. Last updated: September 21, 2018.

    Sending Udp Multicast Messages From Container To Host